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Roční předplatné magazínu Spark
2 lístky na Basinfirefest 2024
Stylová brašnička a opasek značky Leather & Steel Fashion
Titul Metalový Pár Roku 2023
a možnost nafocení exkluzivní série fotografií s Metalshopem
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Dárkový poukaz Metalshop
v hodnotě 6000 Kč
Roční předplatné magazínu Spark
2 lístky na Brutal Assault 2024
Stylová brašnička a opasek značky Leather & Steel Fashion
The absolute King is going to be chosen from top ten participants after the online voting period is concluded by our this year's special, all-female jury! Check our hot jury out!
Winner of the online vote part aka a Metalhead with the highest number of votes on October 2nd, 2019.
Year after year we’ve been looking for new girls to hold the prestigious title of Miss Metalshop. However we’ve also got a lot of suggestions to run this contest for men as well and now it’s settled! For the very first time ever in Metalshop history, we are looking for Metalhead of the Year! Only men participants allowed! More than 750€ in prizes to collect. Registration is open only until Wednesday, September 18th, so make sure to jump in!
Metalshop Metalhead 2019 is a property of METALSHOP s. r. o., (Ltd.,) CRN: 28574699, www.metal-shop.eu